Room Reservation Request

  • In order to reserve a room at Central Florida Cares, you must fill out this form in its entirety. Please be aware, CFCHS has the right to accept or deny your request.

    Board Room: Fits 24 people in U style
    Training Room: Fits 12 people U style

    All rooms have a projector and screen.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • In-case date requested is taken
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • In-case date requested is taken
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Contact Person’s Phone and Email

  • Housekeeping Details

    Prepare a sign-in sheet for your group and leave at the front desk.
    After initial entrance at front door, use back door entrance for coming and goings.
    Keep room doors closed during your meeting.
    Use the back office door to use the restrooms. Prop open with door stopper.
    You are responsible to set up the room and you must return the room like you found it.
    All tables must be cleaned with Clorox wipes (provided by CFCHS.)
    Be cognizant of CFCHS’s employee’s work spaces.
    Take your phone conversations out in the back hall away from the offices.
    You may only use your reserved room and does not include the kitchen or refrigerator.

    Once this form is submitted, you will receive confirmation by email. If for some reason you no longer need the room after you receive a confirmation, please let CFCHS know.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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